Thunder & Lightning ◆ Electrifying Fine Art Landscape Photography

There is no photographic subject more exhilarating than a thunderstorm. But photographing thunder and lightning is not for the faint of heart. It requires an understanding of weather and thew dynamics of the atmosphere. It requires your absolute full attention. And, because of the threat of a bolt out of the blue as a large positive cloud to ground strike is called, there is no way to be full safe when photographing lightning… You can only be unsafe, or if you are not paying attention or don’t understand how a thunderstorm works: stupid.

This collection of fine art nature and landscape photography showcases electrifying . Prints of the photography in this gallery are available to order through the selections offered on each photograph’s page. If you are interested in a size or print medium not shown, please don’t hesitate to contact Chris directly for a custom quote, or for a volume discount. Additionally, if you are interested in licensing an image, contact Chris to discuss your needs.